“Love is more precious than gold, can’t be bought and it can’t be sold; I got enough love to spare, that makes me a millionaire”. Lyrics from song, “Millionaire” by Chris Stapleton.

February 8, 2025

Today, we had the privilege of serving 34 people.

  • We ran into some of our friends this morning along with some new friends.  Our friend (Joanne) was saying we missed her birthday a couple of weeks back.  We asked her what she needed besides our packet of $10 bill/$10 DD card/prayer card?  We hooked her up with socks, underwear, gloves, hat, thermal wear, new women’s coat, boots and snacks Happy Birthday.
  • We met a new friend (Danny).  He seemed really cold and confused.  We asked what he needed.  A lot of our friends hesitate when we ask them this question.  I think they can’t believe someone is offering them something.  He showed me his hands that had early signs of frost bite.  We gave him some thick winter gloves along with sweatpants, hat, socks, hand warmers, snacks and our packet.  He was very happy for these.
  • We were sad to hear that our friend (Annie) was in the hospital battling pneumonia.  She was always talking about wanting to just sleep in a warm bed, but not necessarily in a hospital.  We hope for a speedy recovery.  Sometimes being off the street for a little while will give them a fresh start for a better life.  We can only hope and pray.
  • We ran into (Bosch) who asked us for a Scally cap last week.  He was surprised that we remembered it.  I gave him one along with our packet.  When we drove by that area later making our rounds, he had it on.  He looked like a guy from Peaky Blinders (lol).
  • We gave out a few women’s and men’s boots that were donated along with gloves, hand warmers, socks, underwear, sweatpants.  We saw (Terry) again.  Someone stole the small tent we gave him.  I had another one on the truck along with a sleeping bag that we gave him.  
  • We ran into (Ashley) again.  She still had the plastic bags on both feet.  We told her we had boots for her but she said she couldn’t use them because she now had Medical air boots on both feet from an injury.  She had a friend (Sue) who needed some boots so we fixed her up along with our packet, socks, gloves, hand warmers, etc.  She was very happy.
  • I went into the BAT kiosk looking for (Jenny) but couldn’t find her.  I did run into (Robert) who has been a friend of Terry and Jim Orcutt for over 40 years.  We spoke briefly and he said he was having a hard time.  We gave him our packet of $10 bill/$10 DD card/prayer card.  All of our friends are broken in one way or another.  Our mission is to show the love of Jesus for that brief moment we run into them.  That’s what we hope to accomplish.

God Bless,

Claire and Shaun Teed and Tito

“Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not and you shall not be condemned. Forgive and you will be Forgiven”. Luke 6:37