God loves a cheerful giver.

July 10, 2022

Sunday July 10, 2022

Sunday afternoon we were able to meet and help 33 men and women. Some were friends we’ve known for a while. Others we met for the first time. Each person had their own story.

Note:Our giveaway packet includes $10 cash, a $10 Dunkin-Donuts gift card, water, fresh fruit, nutrition bar, a toiletry package and most important, the On the Street Ministry prayer card; so the people we meet will know from where their help comes.


Greg was born in southern Oregon and raised in Texas. He arrived at the Brockton Fair 22 years ago, while working for a traveling carnival. He stayed and raised two children in the city, but today he lives in a tent in the woods. He gets what work he can, but he doesn’t make enough to afford an apartment or even a single room with a “shared bathroom,” which costs $1,000 a month. We gave Greg our packet. With a catch in his voice, he thanked us and said, “I just try to get work and mind my own business. God has been good to me. I try to help someone if I can.”

“God loves a cheerful giver.”2 Corinthians 9:7


We had interacted with several people near the Crescent Street bridge and were about to pull away when Marci started past our truck. I held out our packet and asked, “Can you use a little help.” Initially she was hesitant, but when I repeated the question Marci came to the driver’s side and took the packet. Seeing the $10 bill and the D&D gift card, she smiled and said, “Oh, this is great! Thanks so much!.” Then Marci became focused on the prayer card and asked, “Oh, what’s this?” I told her, “It’s a prayer we composed from what homeless people have shared about how they see God.” As she stood reading the prayer tears began to run down her cheeks and she started to sob. We were quiet as she cried. After a few minutes Marci regained her composure. With a soft smile, she looked at us and said, “Thank you…thank you so much,” as she walked away.

“Your love comforts me in my loneliness and isolation”On the Street Prayer