Luke 21: 5-11

November 25, 2014

"The day will come when there will not be left one stone upon another stone."
Then they asked Him, "Teacher, when will this happen?"
Reflection by Jim Orcutt:
Since the time of Jesus' resurrection,people have speculated as to the exact time of His return. Predictions based on earthquakes, floods, wars and famines have all proved to be of no value. These natural phenomena have occurred since the beginning of time, long before Jesus' appearance on earth.
In Luke 17: 20-21, Jesus answered the Pharisee's question as to when the end of the age will come. He said: "The kingdom of God does not come with signs that you can watch for, nor will they say, 'Look here!' or 'Look there!' For-look you-the kingdom of God is within you."
For me, the important question is whether the 'kingdom of God' is aflame in my heart. Somedays, it is a raging fire. Other days, it is barely a smoldering ember. I have tried to pay attention to what is happening within me and have discovered some things about my "fire" for Christ. On those days when I am consumed with my human frailties, my pride and ego, I feel separated from the presence of the Lord. When I respond to the divine within me and focus on helping and serving others, particularly the poor, my heart is warm with the presence of Christ.
Many years ago, a homeless man, "Robby," started coming to My Brother's Keeper, looking for help, on a regular basis. I treated him with dignity and respect, always offering hospitality in the form of a friendly greeting and the offer of a cup of coffee and a bite to eat. With the passing of time, I felt myself becoming impatient with Robby. Although I still offered coffee and a bite to eat and gave him what he requested, my response to Robby became perfunctory and lacked sincerity.
You may ask, "What does all this have to do with the second coming of Christ?"
Well, as Jesus told the Pharisees, the sign of the coming of the Kingdom of God will not be the occurrence of natural disasters. Christ will "come" when the Love of God lives within every heart. At that time, the world will be ready to receive her King. I pray to you, dear Lord, give me a loving and patient heart with Robby and all You give me the privilege of serving in Your name. Help me, Lord, to help the world prepare for Your return.